John Hall

Profile photo for John Hall

In 1997 John Hall, his wife Wei, and brother in-law started Eco Outdoor Sports in Metro Vancouver. In 2003 the business was sold, and his family entered a seven-year ‘desert experience’. During that time the Lord impressed on John and his family the importance of hearing and obeying Jesus every day, something that he tries to integrate into everything he does. In 2010 God changed the family’s direction and led him to finish his degree at Regent College in preparation for life as a full-time missionary overseas. That ministry opportunity didn’t develop as planned, as a whole new perspective and participation-in Christ’s mission was born at Missions Fest Vancouver. It’s now a daily occurrence for John’s business background and theological training to get a workout.

John served as the Executive Director at Mission Central (formerly Missions Fest Vancouver) from 2014 to April 2023.

John and Wei live in Richmond, BC. They have two wonderful adult girls. John completed his MA at Regent College in 2010.

The Tapestry Church (Richmond, BC)

Written by John Hall


Unity in My City

When we look at a city and see all the different churches and denominations, is that a sign of disunity? Read more Read more...


God’s Global Family

We get the “down payment” of our inheritance, the Spirit of God. Our unity rests on Christ and is proved by its fruit. Read more Read more...


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Creation wouldn’t exist apart from God. God loves his creation and takes joy in what he made. Read more Read more...


One God

Jesus’ prayer reveals that believers have the incredible privilege to be invited into union with our God who is three in one. Read more Read more...


Why Unity?

Our theme for the months ahead is Unity—an essential part of mission. Read more Read more...


Lest We Forget

The war in Ukraine is rightly deserving of our prayers for peace. The suffering of the people is a concern. Read more Read more...


Considerations to Missionary Care

Missionary care extends beyond the individual and should take into consideration who the missionary is connected to and factor in the journey of life. Read more Read more...


Count the Cost

Have you counted the cost of being a disciple? Go to Jesus, lay out your concerns before him, and ask for his perspective on your struggle. Read more Read more...


Love Your Enemies

If you have an enemy in your life, if someone hates you, consider how Jesus is asking you to go to them? Hearing and obeying requires embodied action. Read more Read more...


Holiness and Obedience

Our goals, the accumulation of power, and things that we spend so much time on may have less importance than we may be willing to admit. Read more Read more...


Idols and Mighty Deeds

God desires that he is the only one to whom we direct our worship, and one of the reasons is so that His power can be demonstrated in our lives. Read more Read more...


Obedience In, Joy Out

God’s economy doesn’t work in a paradigm of effort in - reward out. In the paradigm of hearing and obeying everything rests on love and intimacy. Read more Read more...


Righteous Bubble

I confess that I am Jonah. I move into my safe bubble to watch what God will do to those who deserve his righteous punishment. Read more Read more...


Hearing Waves

Be oriented to Jesus who gives our lives stability. This is something you must do if you want to experience peace. Read more Read more...


Is Mission a Thing?

The people of God are invited to participate in God’s mission. This is a big task, nothing short of the redemption and restoration of the cosmos. Read more Read more...


Missional Identity with Cam Roxburgh

Learn more about missional identity and our role as disciples of Jesus with Cam Roxburgh of Forge Canada Read more Read more...


Passionate Love and Hearing

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind and Love your neighbour as yourself Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...


But Seek First His Kingdom

Jesus says if we seek the kingdom first and are concerned with our right-standing with God, then we don’t have to worry about the rest of life. Read more Read more...


First Things

There are two things that must happen before you can hear and obey Jesus well Read more Read more...


Hearing and Obeying as the Way of Life with Jesus

Hearing and obeying for a follower of Jesus is not something that is simply encouraged, but a way of life that Jesus calls us to. Read more Read more...


What is our purpose and how does that connect with mission?

What does purpose and mission as believers have in common? Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Three Ways Your Church Can Prepare to Welcome Refugee Claimants in the Post-Pandemic World

How to make a difference in a refugee's journey in Canada. Read more Read more...


Grief over the Children

Grief over the 215 Children found buried at the Kamloops Indian Residential School Read more Read more...


Dismantling the Hero Complex

Our mission is based on being “salt” and “light," to permeate the whole earth in righteousness, love,humility, gentleness, kindness, grace, and peace. Read more Read more...


Giving and Mission

Giving generously is an important part of our discipleship. Read more Read more...


Connecting Mission and Intercessory Prayer

What connects Mission and Intercessory Prayer together? Without intercessory prayer, we can’t have effective mission. Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Grow in Life Recap

The Grow in Life hybrid event on August 9 was a first step in developing missional communities. Read more Read more...


A Story of Collaboration: SIM and CSGC

Collaboration leads to great new tools for global mission to the least reached and encourages response to community Read more Read more...


The Context for Discipleship

What is discipleship? Discipleship in a missional community leads to vibrant mature followers of Jesus. Read more Read more...


6 Things to Do Right Now in our Current Climate

How are you responding at this time? 6 things to do in our current climate Read more Read more...


The Last Christian on Earth

If you were the last Christian on earth...? Read more Read more...


Prayer for the Front Line

Updates and a call to pray for front-line mission workers around the world. Read more Read more...


A Letter from BC Christian Leaders

Let us all join together asking for the grace and peace of our God, all who are sorely tried by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Read more...


Mission Central: Fighting the Virus

Mission Central is here for you and your community, providing missional discipleship resources during the global COVID-19 event. Read more Read more...



Don't stop proclaiming Jesus' love in word and action, even in the face of uncertainty and the unknown. Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Missions Fest Vancouver 2020 Wrap-up

A short recap of the 2020 Missions Fest Vancouver conference Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 10

What is the connection between surrender and unity? Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 6

If God doesn’t control all my life, does he have any of my life? Read more Read more...


Intimacy and Doing God's Will

Redefining mission, intimacy and doing God's will is the pillar to our identity and as people of mission. Read more Read more...


Consecration: A Seed for Revolution

Consecration is the groundwork needed to receive a fuller revelation of Jesus and surrender to Jesus Read more Read more...


Introducing the Call to Consecration

As a Christian, what does it mean to live the surrendered life? Read more Read more...


Mission Central: Update on Name Change

From Missions Fest Vancouver to Mission Central: resources, events and networks with the goal of helping us all grow as missional disciples. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Mission Resource Tutorial

Don't know how to engage in Christ's mission? Here are some resources to get started Read more Read more...


Unity, Relationship and the Future of Mission – Part 2

How we can increase engagement in our missional communities? It’s been said that the future of mission is in networks, in unity and in relationships Read more Read more...


Unity, Relationship and the Future of Mission - Part 1

How do unity, relationship, and the characteristics of Millennials interact for a hope filled future of mission? Read more Read more...


Help us Connect a New Generation to God’s Work in the World

Our goal is a surplus that will help us to see the Gospel preached and God glorified all over the earth! Read more Read more...


The Missing Link

Why, in a nation with freedom of religion, is the church not flourishing & making a significant impact on our society? Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

WEA Mission Commission

WEA Mission Commission is a platform for multi-cultural voices to advance God’s mission. Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Missions Fest 2019 Recap

Recap of the 2019 Conference and some statistics Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Integrating Discipling

Discipling is the engine of mission. God, in his wisdom, chooses to do his work through us. Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Three Buses, a Van, 9 Drivers, and 120 Students

A story of a man and his availability, faithfulness, and intercession on a need that started a missional journey of eternal consequences. Read more Read more...


Pray, Give, and Go

A look at how mission has changed (or hasn't) since the 1960s. What is needed for mission to thrive today? Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Lausanne Movement: connecting influencers and ideas for global mission

Learn about the Lausanne Movement's mission, and dive into the their extensive resources. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Cardus: a non-partisan, faith-based nonprofit that exists to promote a flourishing society

Cardus is a think tank dedicated to research, public dialogue, and thought-provoking commentary. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

The Canadian Evangelical Mission Engagement Study

The Canadian Evangelical Missions Engagement Study Series is comprehensive research on how Canadian Evangelicals engage with “mission” or “missions.” Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Brigada: collection of web- and email-based resources

Brigada provides web- and email-based resources, mission trends, motivation, strategy tips, and more Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

STM Leader: levelling up short term missions

STM Leader exists to build the strongest short-term mission in the world: confident leaders, incredible teams, and life-changing experiences. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Missio Nexus

Equipping missional leaders to accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission in servant partnership with the global church. Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Being Fit for the Future of Mission

A summary of the recent Future Fit conference held in Toronto with over 60 mission agencies in attendance. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Introducing: Linking Global Voices

Mission Central is proud to be listed on "Linking Global Voices", for collaboration among mission-minded people. Read more Read more...


Change Needed in Mission and Missions Fest Vancouver

New pathways for Jesus's work and fulfilling the mission of growing disciples Read more Read more...


​A Conversation about Discipling with Murray Moerman

The engine of the church is discipleship is growing in obedience Read more Read more...


Are you a Tourist or a Disciple?

A tourist is someone who takes a tour for pleasure or culture. A disciple is a follower of a teacher. Read more Read more...


Introducing Mission Central

Our goal isn't just to provide resources, but to share stories of what is already happening around the world. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Unity in My City

When we look at a city and see all the different churches and denominations, is that a sign of disunity? Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 7

What is the connection between surrender and mission? Read more Read more...


God Uses Your Differences

When we choose to put the focus on Him we move away from asking, “Why me?” to asking, “Can you please use me more?” Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 9

Surrender, no matter what! Read more


But Seek First His Kingdom

Jesus says if we seek the kingdom first and are concerned with our right-standing with God, then we don’t have to worry about the rest of life. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 2

What is the connection between knowing my purpose in life and surrender? Read more Read more...


Lest We Forget

The war in Ukraine is rightly deserving of our prayers for peace. The suffering of the people is a concern. Read more Read more...


A Powerful Ministry Tool

How significant are these moments? Only the Lord knows. I do know they have warmed my heart, given me fresh perspective. Read more Read more...