Michael Oh

Profile photo for Michael Oh

Dr. Michael Oh is Executive Director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement. He and his family of 7 live in Nagoya, Japan, where they have served as missionaries with Mission to the World for 12 years.

Michael Oh was a Plenary Speaker at Missions Fest Vancouver 2016.


Written by Michael Oh


Global Mission: Still an Urgent Task?

Celebrating Lausanne's 40th anniversary in 2014 sparked many conversations and reflections about time and purpose. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


The Context for Discipleship

What is discipleship? Discipleship in a missional community leads to vibrant mature followers of Jesus. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 9

Surrender, no matter what! Read more


Holiness and Obedience

Our goals, the accumulation of power, and things that we spend so much time on may have less importance than we may be willing to admit. Read more Read more...


Keep Calm: It's Ordinary (Time) Rush

Discipleship is challenging in Western urban societies where relationships tend to be cordial, but distant and weak. Read more Read more...


5 ways to pray together as a family

Prayer is one of the best ways to help your family thrive and to see each other grow in relationship with God together Read more Read more...


Living Incarnationally in the 21st Century

MoveIn is "a movement of regular Christians who have accepted the invitation to find Christ in the broken places." Read more Read more...


First Things

There are two things that must happen before you can hear and obey Jesus well Read more Read more...



Don't stop proclaiming Jesus' love in word and action, even in the face of uncertainty and the unknown. Read more Read more...