Mission Partners
All of us at Mission Central are profoundly grateful for the deep support and Kingdom-oriented partnership with countless individuals and organizations over the years. Thank you!
Partner Agencies
Mission Central has partnered with a vast array of organizations and missions agencies over the years, including these organizations from 2017 to 2023:
- 24-7 Prayer Canada
- 700 Club Canada
- A Christian Ministry in the National Parks
- A Rocha Canada
- A21
- Abba Canada Foundation
- Abundance Canada
- Acadia Divinity College
- Accelerated Christian Education
- Action International Ministries
- ACTS Seminaries
- Adult & Teen Challenge Society of BC
- Adventive Cross Cultural Initiatives (ACCI)
- Africa Inland Mission (Canada)
- AH Ministries International
- Al Massira North America
- All India Mission/Health for India
- All Nations Family
- Alliance Global Serve Canada
- Ambrose University
- AMG International
- Amparo International Foundation
- An Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative (Generations Church)
- Anchor Academy
- Apologetics Canada
- Arctic Barnabas Ministries
- Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada
- Association of Christian Ministers Vancouver (Voices Together)
- Avant Ministries Canada
- Awana International Canada
- Back To Jerusalem Canada
- Banner of Truth Radio Broadcast
- Baptist Housing Ministries Society
- Barnabas Family Ministries Society
- BCMB CAMPS (Camp Stillwood)
- Be Amazing Campaign
- Because Justice Matters
- Bez Arts Hub/Mirror Arts
- Bible Mission Global
- Bibles For The Poor Society
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada
- Biola University
- Black Forest Academy
- Blessings International
- Bowen Island Lodge
- Bridges for Peace
- Bridges to New Life
- Briercrest College and Seminary
- British Columbia Christian Academy
- Cafe 1040
- Calvary Chapel Bible College
- Calvary Ministries CAPRO Canada
- Camp Homewood
- Camp Imadene
- Camp Luther
- Camp Qwanoes
- Camp Squeah
- Camp Tulahead Society
- Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL)
- Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
- Canadian Bible Society
- Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
- Canadian Chinese School of Theology Vancouver
- Canadian Lifelight Ministries
- Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
- Canadian Mission to Unreached Peoples Society
- Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation
- Canadian South America Mission Inc.
- Capernwray Harbour Bible Centre
- Capernwray Quebec Bible Centre
- Capturing Courage Int'l Ministries
- Carey Theological College
- Castle Travel
- Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center
- Celtic Place Retreat and Counselling Centre
- Central European Christian Education Foundation
- Chain of Love Brazil
- Charis Camp and Conference Centre
- Chelsea Road Productions
- Child Evangelism Fellowship of BC
- ChildCare International Society
- Children of Blessing Trust
- Chinese Christian Mission of Canada (CCM Canada)
- Chinese International Missions
- Choosing Truth Ministries
- Chosen People Ministries (Canada)
- Christ For The City International Canada
- Christar
- Christian Advocacy Society
- Christian Friends of Israel Association
- Christian Mission to Gaza
- Christian Service Brigade Canada
- Christian Toastmasters
- Christianity Explored North America
- Coastal Church
- Coastal Light
- Coastal Missions
- Colombia Para Cristo Society
- Columbia Bible College
- Commission to Every Nation Canada
- Commit Ministries International
- COMPASS Community Learning Centres
- Compassion Canada
- Compassionate Resource Warehouse
- Concilium Inc
- Creation Ministries International
- Creation Science Association of British Columbia
- Crossroads Christian Communications Inc.
- Dakar Academy Schools
- Dalit Freedom Network Canada
- Dallas Baptist University
- Daybreak Point Bible Camp Society
- Discipleship International
- Doing Family Right
- Dreamstay Network
- Dugit Messianic Outreach Center
- Dusty Sandals Society
- Eastern Mennonite Missions
- Education in Action
- EMAS Canada
- Emmanuel Christian Fellowship Centre
- Empower Ministries
- Engineering Ministries International Canada
- English Language Institute China (Canada)
- Equip Canada
- ERRC Educational Society (Canada)
- Ethnos Canada
- EWay Ministry
- Faith Academy Inc
- Faith Welfare Society
- FaithLife Financial
- FamilyLife Canada
- Fazl Socks
- FEBCanada
- Fellowship International
- Fellowship of Christian Camps - BC
- Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - Canada
- Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in BC and Yukon
- First Nations Bible College
- Fly For Good
- Focus On The Family Canada
- FOI Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
- Food for the Hungry Canada
- Foundations for Living
- Fraser Valley Gleaners Society
- Frontiers
- Fuller Theological Seminary
- Galcom International Inc.
- Generations Church
- GFA World
- Give the Word
- Global 2020
- Global Aid Network (GAiN) Canada
- Global Disciples Canada
- Global English School
- Global Recordings Network Canada
- Globespan Travel Management
- Goads and Well-driven Nails
- God's Littlest Angels Canada
- Gospel Echoing Missionary Society of Can
- Great Commission Foundation
- Great Commission Media Ministries
- Greater Europe Mission
- Green Bay Bible Camp
- Group International Missions
- Haiti Arise
- Hands at Work in Africa (Canada) Society
- Hayate Abadi
- Heart for Lebanon
- Hellenic Ministries - Canada
- Heritage Christian Online School
- Himalayan Life Canada
- Hindi Punjabi Fraserview Chapel
- His Word For His People
- Home for Every Child Adoption
- Honeymoon Bay Lodge and Retreat Society
- Hope Haven Canada Ministries
- Hope India Mission (Emmanuel Christian Fellowship Centre)
- HOPE Outreach of Canada, Inc.
- House Upon the Rock
- Hungry For Life
- I Am Second
- Impact Ministries Canada
- In Touch Ministries of Canada
- Inner Hope Youth Ministries Society
- Intercede International
- InterCP
- International China Concern
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ)
- International Christian Ministries (ICM)
- International Christian Mission Services (ICMS)
- International Christian Response
- International Community School Bangkok
- International Justice Mission Canada
- International Messengers Canada
- International Student Ministries Canada
- Interserve Canada
- InterVarsity's Pioneer Pacific Camp
- Jacob's Well
- Jalia Africa Foundation
- Jesuit Vocations Committee
- Jesus Alive Gospel Outreach Canada
- Jesus Film Church Planting Strategy
- Jews for Jesus Canada
- Joint Aid Management (JAM Canada)
- Joshua House
- Journey Home Community Association
- Joy Fellowship
- Joy to the World Ministries
- KARI Radio AM
- Kawkawa Camp Society
- Keats Camps
- Kenneth Copeland Ministries Canada
- Kontakt Canada Ministry Association
- Kuwasha
- Langham Partnership Canada
- Latin America Assistance
- Latin America Mission
- LeaderImpact
- Liebenzell Mission of Canada
- Life Culture Canada Inc.
- Life in Messiah International
- LIFE Recovery Association
- Lifeline Outreach Society
- Light Christian Media (The Light Magazine)
- Lighthouse Harbour Ministries
- Live Dead
- Love Corps Mission Society
- Love New Canadians
- M2/W2 Association - Restorative Christian Ministries
- Malachi Man
- Manna4Life
- Maoz Canada
- MARK Centre Society
- McMaster Divinity College
- Medair
- Medair Canada
- Medical Ministry International
- Men For Missions
- Mennonite Central Committee BC
- Mercy Canada
- Mercy Touch Mission International
- Middle East Christian Outreach
- Millar College of the Bible
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Mission Eurasia Canada
- Mission One Eleven Canada
- Mission San Quintin Dream Center
- Mission Ukraine
- Missionary Ventures Canada
- Missions Network International
- Moms in Prayer International
- MOPS International
- Morning Star Bible Camp (MSBC)
- Mount Carmel Bible College
- MoveIn
- MSI Canada
- Multi Nation Mission Foundation
- Multi-Cultural Ministries
- Multiply
- Multnomah University
- Music For Life Institute
- Mustard Seed Mission Canada
- Mustard Seed Street Church
- NCOL Ministries
- Network of International Christian Schools (NICS)
- New Beginnings Arch Ministries
- New Hope Community Services
- New Manna Ministries
- NightShift Street Ministries
- North America Indigenous Ministries (NAIM)
- North American Baptists, Inc.
- Northern Canada Evangelical Mission
- Northside Foursquare Church - Coquitlam
- Northwest Baptist Theological College & Seminary
- Nurses Christian Fellowship International
- Okanagan Bible College
- OMF International Canada
- OMS International Canada
- One For Israel
- One Hope Canada Camps in BC
- One Plus God Ministries
- OneBook
- Open Doors Canada
- Operation Exodus Canada
- Operation Mobilization Canada
- Orphan's Hope
- Outreach Canada (Perspectives Kairos)
- Outreach Canada Ministries (CNMM, CMKN)
- Pacific Life Bible College
- Partners International Canada
- Partners Relief and Development
- People International Canada
- Pilgrim Book & Bible
- Pioneer Bible Translators of Canada
- Pioneers
- Power to Change Ministries
- Prairie College
- PRAISE 106.5
- Prayer Canada
- Prayer Current Christian Education and Missionary Society
- Pregnancy Options Centres
- Production Elements Services
- Providence University College
- Purposeful Living Counselling Clinic
- Raptim Humanitarian Travel
- Ratanak International
- Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Canada
- Reach Beyond Canada
- ReachAcross
- ReachGlobal
- Reachout to Africa
- Reasons To Believe
- Regent College
- Rescue Cambodia
- Resist Exploitation, Embrace Dignity (REED)
- Resonate Global Mission
- reSource Leadership International
- Right to School
- Rise Above Finance
- RockRidge Canyon Retreat Centre - Young Life Canada
- Rocky Mountain College
- Rosslyn Academy
- Royal Canadian Chaplain Service
- RSVP Ministries
- SALTS (Sail and Life Training Society)
- Samaritan's Purse Canada
- Sanctuary Mental Health Ministires
- Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries
- Season of Christ Ministries
- SeedCare International Ministries
- SEND International of Canada
- SendMe
- Servant Partners Mission
- Serve Seattle
- Serving In Mission (SIM)
- Shadow Mt. Community Church, Iranian Congregation
- Shailene Caparas CPA, Inc.
- ShareWord Global
- Sid Roth - It's Supernatural!
- Signal Hill Life Education Society
- SLH Grace Cafe Ministries
- SonSet Solutions Canada
- Spoken Word Ministries Association
- Stella's Voice Canada
- Strength to Fight
- Summit Pacific College
- Sunday Line Communications Society
- Surrey Urban Mission Society
- Tabor Home Society
- Taylor College and Seminary
- TeachBeyond
- Tearfund Canada
- Teen Missions in Canada
- Telecare Crisis & Caring Line
- Tenth Avenue Alliance Church
- The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM)
- The Firs Camps & Retreats
- The Gideons International In Canada
- The Holy Spirit Ministry
- The Maranatha Evangelistic Association
- The Mission to Seafarers
- The Navigators of Canada
- The Shepherd's Guide
- The Way College
- The Well Center
- Theo's Feast
- Thrive Kids Canada
- Timberline Ranch
- Toronto Baptist Seminary & Bible College
- Traditional Learning Academy Online
- Training Leaders International
- Trans World Radio Canada
- Transport for Christ
- Trinity Western University
- Tyndale University College & Seminary
- Union Gospel Mission
- University Christian Ministries
- Vancouver Airport Chaplaincy
- Vancouver Persian Christian Partnership
- Vancouver School of Theology
- Vancouver Urban Ministries
- Village Missions of Canada
- Villages of Hope Africa
- Voice of the Martyrs Canada
- W.I.N.G.S. Fellowship Ministries (Women in Need Gaining Strength)
- Wagner Hills Farm Society
- Wagner Ministries International
- Water Ambassadors Canada
- We Need a Law
- WEC International
- West Coast Christian Fellowship
- West Coast Christian School
- World Concern
- World Gospel Explosion
- World Harvest Outreach Ministries Inc.
- World Team Canada
- WorldServe Ministries
- Worship On Air Fellowship
- Woven International
- Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada
- Wycliffe College
- Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Perth
- Youth With A Mission Vancouver
- YUGO Canada Ministries Society
- YWAM Ships
- Zoomer Media Television Division/JOYTV
Mission Central has been faithfully supported by many churches over the years through donations, volunteer teams, society members, prayer, and more. These churches supported us between 2017 and 2024:
- Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd
- Bakerview Church
- Basel Hakka Lutheran Church
- Bethany Baptist Church
- Bethel International Church
- Blue Mountain Baptist Church
- Brighouse United Church
- Broadmoor Baptist Church
- Broadway Church
- Burnaby Chinese EV Free Church
- Burnaby North Baptist Church
- Burnaby Pacific Grace Church
- Calvary Baptist Church
- Calvary Baptist Church of Gibsons
- Calvary Christian Church
- Calvary Worship Centre
- Capilano Christian Community
- Cariboo Hill Temple (Salvation Army)
- Cariboo Road Christian Fellowship
- Cascade Gospel Chapel
- Cascades Church
- Cascades Church (formerly Cascade Gospel Chapel)
- Cedar Grove Baptist Church
- Cedar Valley Mennonite Church
- Christian Life Assembly
- Church on Five (formerly Richmond Bethel Church)
- Church on the Way
- City Life Church
- Cloverdale Baptist Church
- Coastal Church
- Collingwood Baptist Church
- Compass Church
- Connaught Heights Pentecostal Assembly
- Coquitlam Presbyterian Church
- Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist Church
- Courtenay Fellowship Baptist Church
- Culloden MB Church
- Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship
- Emmanuel Christian Community
- Evangelical Chinese Bible Church
- Every Nation Church Vancouver
- Faith Community Christian Church (F3C)
- Faith Fellowship Baptist Church
- Fellowship Deaconry Association-Canaan Church
- First Baptist Church (Nanaimo)
- First Baptist Church (Vancouver)
- First Christian Reformed Church
- First Presbyterian Church
- Franklin Community Gospel Church
- Garden Village Apostolic Church
- Glad Tidings Church
- God's Light Christian Fellowship
- Gordon Presbyterian Church
- Grace Church of God
- Grace Community Church
- Grace Evangelical Bible Church Society
- Grace International Baptist Church
- Gracepoint Community Church
- Grandview Calvary Baptist Church
- Granville Chapel
- Heather Bible Chapel
- Hillcrest Chapel
- Hillside Baptist Church
- Hillside Church
- Hillside Community Church
- Hindi Punjabi Fraserview Chapel
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church
- Hope Reformed Church
- House for All Nations
- Immanuel Baptist Church
- Jesus is Lord Church (Canada West)
- Jesus Rock of Ages Ministries
- Joy Fellowship
- Kelly Creek Community Church
- Killarney Park Mennonite Brethren Church
- Kingdom Life Community Church
- Kingsway Foursquare Church
- Ladner Baptist Church
- Ladner Christian Fellowship
- Life Church (White Rock)
- Lighthouse Church
- Living Waters Church
- Lord's Grace Church
- Lord's Peace Chapel
- Maple Ridge Community Church
- Marineview Chapel
- Marpole Baptist Church
- Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
- Mountainview Alliance Church
- Mountainview Christian Fellowship
- Nelson Avenue Community Church
- New Hope Christian Church
- New Life Community Church
- New West Community Church
- New Westminster Evangelical Free Church
- Nordel Multicultural Christian Church
- North Shore Alliance Church
- North Shore Pacific Grace MB Church
- North West Langley Baptist Church
- Northside Foursquare Church - Coquitlam
- Oakridge Adventist Church
- Oakridge Baptist Church
- Olivet Baptist Church
- Pacific Grace Mennonite Brethren Church
- Peace Portal Alliance Church
- Peoples Church
- Pilgrim Baptist Church
- Pilgrim Church
- Port Moody Pacific Grace MB Church
- Praise International Church
- Richmond Alliance Church
- Richmond Baptist Church
- Richmond Chinese Alliance Church
- Richmond Chinese Baptist Church
- Richmond Pacific Grace MB Church
- Rose of Sharon Baptist Church & Ministries
- Ross Road Community Church
- Sevenoaks Alliance Church
- Shalom House
- Sonrise Church
- South Delta Baptist Church
- South Langley MB Church
- South Vancouver Pacific Grace MB Church
- Southside Community Church/Forge Canada
- St. Andrew's and St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church
- St. Andrew's Church Delta
- St. John's Richmond Church
- St. John's Vancouver Church
- St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
- St. Simon's Church
- Sutherland Church
- Symphony Church
- Tenth Avenue Alliance Church
- Tenth Church
- The Bridge Community Church
- The Eternity Club Fellowship
- The King's Way Church
- The Redeemed Christian Church of God BC - Grace Chapel
- The Redeemed Christian Church of God Faith Chapel
- The Table Missionary Society (in Victoria BC)
- The Tapestry Church
- Trinity Baptist Church
- University Chapel
- Urban Village Church
- Valley Church
- Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church
- Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Free Church
- Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church
- Vancouver Chinese MB Church
- Vancouver Eastside Vineyard Church
- Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church
- Victoria Alliance Church
- Ward Memorial Baptist Church
- West Coast Christian Fellowship
- West Point Grey Baptist Church
- West Vancouver Baptist Church
- Westside Church
- Westwood Alliance Church
- Westwood Community Church
- White Rock Baptist Church
- Willingdon Church