Passionate Love and Hearing

Decoration image for quotation

He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

John 14:24

I’m writing this as someone who wants to be passionately in love with Jesus. Our love for God is to be all-consuming and is a key to hearing well. But I think, if we’re to be honest with ourselves, many of us have disconnected passionate love for God and our emotions.

In Revelation 2:4 Jesus accuses the church of Ephesus of forsaking “their first love”. This church does many of the right things; their “deeds” are good, but what about love?

Our “first loves” are passionate and messy. They’re full of grand gestures and sappy overtures. Is it okay for our love for God to be like that? Yes!

Consider the passion in these words, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you O God.” (Ps. 42:1) David’s songs overflow with passion for God. He says, in Psalm 63, “my soul thirst for you, my body longs for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” His love for God spills over from emotion and ideas to a physical ache.

The greatest command is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbour as yourself.” (Luke 10:27) Do you?


Hear the words of Jesus to Peter as if they were spoken to you: “Do you love me?” Answer Jesus.

Has God spoken to you? Take a moment to reflect on what God wants you to do. Turn it into an “I will” action and share it with someone. For instance:

  • Share with someone: “I struggle with loving Jesus… will you pray for me?”
  • Encourage someone: “Jesus has helped me to love him more passionately and this is what it looks like for me.”

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About the author

Profile photo for John Hall

In 1997 John Hall, his wife Wei, and brother in-law started Eco Outdoor Sports in Metro Vancouver. In 2003 the business was sold, and his family entered a seven-year ‘desert experience’. During that time the Lord impressed on John and his family the importance of hearing and obeying Jesus every day, something that he tries to integrate into everything he does. In 2010 God changed the family’s direction and led him to finish his degree at Regent College in preparation for life as a full-time missionary overseas. That ministry opportunity didn’t develop as planned, as a whole new perspective and participation-in Christ’s mission was born at Missions Fest Vancouver. It’s now a daily occurrence for John’s business background and theological training to get a workout.

John served as the Executive Director at Mission Central (formerly Missions Fest Vancouver) from 2014 to April 2023.

John and Wei live in Richmond, BC. They have two wonderful adult girls. John completed his MA at Regent College in 2010.

The Tapestry Church (Richmond, BC)

Series: Hearing and Obeying—Devotionals

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