Jim Feiker

Jim Feiker, mentor to Steve Meeker, wrote that though the relational discipleship model can be difficult for others to understand and measure, those who experience it not only value it, but their lives are changed forever.

Written by Jim Feiker


Relational Discipleship: Hard to Measure But Worth Every Moment

Discipling must begin with an incarnational relationship. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


A Powerful Ministry Tool

How significant are these moments? Only the Lord knows. I do know they have warmed my heart, given me fresh perspective. Read more Read more...


#MissionIsNotCancelled with Partners International

Hear what Partners International have been doing in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic. Read more Read more...


Acquainted With Grief

"Being Christ-like must then involve, at least in some part, our willingness to acquaint ourselves with grief." Read more Read more...


Pray, Give, and Go

A look at how mission has changed (or hasn't) since the 1960s. What is needed for mission to thrive today? Read more Read more...


Living Incarnationally in the 21st Century

MoveIn is "a movement of regular Christians who have accepted the invitation to find Christ in the broken places." Read more Read more...


Holiness and Obedience

Our goals, the accumulation of power, and things that we spend so much time on may have less importance than we may be willing to admit. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 2

What is the connection between knowing my purpose in life and surrender? Read more Read more...


Social Isolation, Mental Health, and Discipleship

Social Isolation is the main obstacle to addressing poverty. How can communities organize themselves to create a more connected Vancouver? Read more Read more...