Why Unity?

Mission Central is excited to announce that our theme for this year is Unity—we’ll begin our exploration in September and build momentum toward our SERVE and CREATE conferences in January 2023.

For most people, unity doesn’t immediately come to mind when thinking about missions. Our minds jump more quickly to bible translation, learning to connect across cultural boundaries, or humanitarian relief. Here at Mission Central, however, we believe that unity is central to our faith and to how we share our faith with the world.

The Lausanne Movement’s Cape Town Commitment1 emphasizes the importance of unity in very stark terms: “A divided Church has no message for a divided world. Our failure to live in reconciled unity is a major obstacle to authenticity and effectiveness in mission.”

We all know we’re living in a very divided world. COVID, social change, and global unrest continue to create divides at every level: international, national, local, and even within our church communities. It would be nice to look at Christians and find a message of hope built on unity, but sadly, that often isn’t the case. We believe that can change.

Starting this fall, we’ll dive into why unity matters, and what it should look like. We’ll intercede for unity on the open prayer gatherings we host every Wednesday on Zoom. We’ll publish articles focusing on the biblical foundations of unity and how it can be expressed. And we’ll offer devotionals inviting each of you and your communities to consider how God is calling us all to go deeper into unity with him and with each other.

Mission Central has always valued unity. From our start as Missions Fest Vancouver, our goal has been to live out unity in practical ways for the sake of the Gospel, bringing churches together across denominations and cities, based on our common commitment to mission. Now, in our last year, our goal is to ignite a renewed vision and passion for unity among the people of God. We invite you, and all who love Jesus, to join us on this journey of discovery and hope.

Decoration image for quotation

When we live in unity and work in partnership we demonstrate the supernatural, counter-cultural power of the cross.

The Cape Town Commitment, section IIF


  1. In 2010, 4000 Christian Leaders from 198 countries gathered in Cape Town, South Africa, for the Third Lausanne Congress, to address a variety of issues impacting the church and world evangelization. The resulting Cape Town Commitment is a statement of shared Biblical convictions calling Christians all over the world to action. [back]

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About the author

Profile photo for John Hall

In 1997 John Hall, his wife Wei, and brother in-law started Eco Outdoor Sports in Metro Vancouver. In 2003 the business was sold, and his family entered a seven-year ‘desert experience’. During that time the Lord impressed on John and his family the importance of hearing and obeying Jesus every day, something that he tries to integrate into everything he does. In 2010 God changed the family’s direction and led him to finish his degree at Regent College in preparation for life as a full-time missionary overseas. That ministry opportunity didn’t develop as planned, as a whole new perspective and participation-in Christ’s mission was born at Missions Fest Vancouver. It’s now a daily occurrence for John’s business background and theological training to get a workout.

John served as the Executive Director at Mission Central (formerly Missions Fest Vancouver) from 2014 to April 2023.

John and Wei live in Richmond, BC. They have two wonderful adult girls. John completed his MA at Regent College in 2010.

The Tapestry Church (Richmond, BC)

Series: Unity 2023

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