Lorraine Francis

Profile photo for Lorraine Francis

Lorraine Francis is the Director of Mukti Mission in India. She was one of the plenary speakers at Missions Fest Vancouver in 2017.


Written by Lorraine Francis


Creating Beauty from Ashes

The Ramabai Mukti Mission was founded in 1889 and is still serving India’s women and children today. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 9

Surrender, no matter what! Read more

Mission Resource

WEA Mission Commission

WEA Mission Commission is a platform for multi-cultural voices to advance God’s mission. Read more Read more...


The Way We WERE Made

What does justice look like in the eyes of Creation? The way we were made for justice and ruthless mercy Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 8

How is surrender a spiritual discipline? Read more

Mission Resource

How to Chart the Steps to Faith

Though some missionaries serve in support roles ... every missionary can be developing relationships with unbelievers. Read more Read more...


Unity in My City

When we look at a city and see all the different churches and denominations, is that a sign of disunity? Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

A Neighbourly Invitation

What would it look like to pray for those closest to us, in our backyards? A Neighbourly Invitation is just that initiative to prayer and more. Read more Read more...