Gordie Lagore

Profile photo for Gordie Lagore

Lead Pastor and Spiritual Director

If the Vineyard movement was a place for "dried out Baptists and burned-out Pentecostals," the latter was certainly true for Gordie who grew up in a bi-vocational Pentecostal church planter's home in Alberta. After he experienced a call to preach through a significant God encounter as a teenager, he attended Melodyland School of Theology in Anaheim, California for a season. He returned to northern Alberta where he met and married his life partner, Kathleen Ross, a school teacher who was teaching on a Metis colony and involved in the Catholic Charismatic movement.

Sensing a call from God to begin all over again in East Vancouver, the Lagores moved back to Canada from England in 1991. Within a few months, they had connected with the newly planted Vancouver Vineyard, led by Joe and Charmain Kelder, who provided such a generous and gracious welcome. After five years, the Kelders commissioned the Lagores to be lead pastors of the renamed, Vancouver Eastside Vineyard (VEV).

During their 25 years as lead pastors with countless God stories of beauty amidst brokenness, the Lagores also served on the BC Regional Team for 16 years, including a season as Regional Team leaders, two years on the National Leadership Transition Team, followed by four years on the Vineyard Canada National Team.

The Lagores are currently working with their amazing leadership team on a process of transitioning from lead pastors over the next five years to "resident elders," with a focus on spiritual direction, mentoring, and grandparenting, while continuing to host international homestays and tending to their relationship with Lower Post!

Vancouver Eastside Vineyard Church (Vancouver, BC)

Written by Gordie Lagore


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