Russell Stendal

Profile photo for Russell Stendal

Russell Stendal, a former hostage of Colombian rebels, is a lifelong missionary to that same group in the jungles of Colombia. He is an influential friend to military and government leaders in Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, and the United States. Russell's ministry shares the gospel via twelve radio stations, hundreds of thousands of Bibles, books, and movies distributed through airplane parachute drops, and numerous speaking engagements for groups of leaders, prisoners, and individuals. Russell goes wherever the Lord leads, whether it's to speak with a president or to go deep into the jungle to help an individual in trouble. He has witnessed thousands commit their lives to Christ.


Written by Russell Stendal


News from Colombia

God is moving in Colombia Read more


The Power of Prayer

Russ Stendal from Colombia Para Cristo share about a time that God answered prayer in a powerful way through mission Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Hearing and Obeying as the Way of Life with Jesus

Hearing and obeying for a follower of Jesus is not something that is simply encouraged, but a way of life that Jesus calls us to. Read more Read more...


Marketplace Ministry: A Light for Leaders

LeaderImpact shares this story of how a simple conversation became an opportunity to lead someone to Jesus. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Cardus: a non-partisan, faith-based nonprofit that exists to promote a flourishing society

Cardus is a think tank dedicated to research, public dialogue, and thought-provoking commentary. Read more Read more...


Towards an Intercultural Ecclesiology

"The largest faith communities were not homogeneously Caucasian, but were Chinese, Korean or Filipino congregations." Read more Read more...


Giving and Mission

Giving generously is an important part of our discipleship. Read more Read more...


Making Disciples

"I pray and hope that people I disciple will grow in intimacy with God in a way that they might be a better model of Jesus" Read more Read more...


Rest and Life in Third Spaces

A culture of third space is celebration. The same place to see the same people and simply present with one another, that is rest, and that is life. Read more Read more...


Operation Watchman on the Walls

From the grounds of Israel: We have seasons of rocket fire, and we have seasons of terror attacks on our streets. Read more Read more...