
Ivy, previously a city girl rushing into the Taipei metro every day, who now enjoys walking around beautiful villages at Lake Tanganyika, Zambia. She likes to listen to people's stories and write newsletters (really a rare species). Her dream is to become the shortest giant in the world. Ivy is a worker with Operation Mobilisation.

Written by Ivy


We are not a Travel Agency

I came back to the mission field where I serve now because I was so touched when I came here on a short-term outreach. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Love Your Enemies

If you have an enemy in your life, if someone hates you, consider how Jesus is asking you to go to them? Hearing and obeying requires embodied action. Read more Read more...


Idols and Mighty Deeds

God desires that he is the only one to whom we direct our worship, and one of the reasons is so that His power can be demonstrated in our lives. Read more Read more...


God Uses Your Differences

When we choose to put the focus on Him we move away from asking, “Why me?” to asking, “Can you please use me more?” Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 2

What is the connection between knowing my purpose in life and surrender? Read more Read more...


Pentecost as a Vow Renewal

Pentecost was the vow of renewal and it invites a re-dedication to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Read more Read more...


Advance in Steveston: What's it got to take?

A collaborative approach to church planting is bringing change to Steveston. Read more Read more...


Marketplace Ministry: A Light for Leaders

LeaderImpact shares this story of how a simple conversation became an opportunity to lead someone to Jesus. Read more Read more...


Prayer for the Front Line

Updates and a call to pray for front-line mission workers around the world. Read more Read more...