Brian McConaghy

Profile photo for Brian McConaghy

Brian McConaghy, Founding Director of Ratanak International, is a man with a burden for the people of Cambodia. His journey serving Cambodia began in 1989, when he first visited the Cambodian refugee camps in Thailand. His dedication to the people of Cambodia is a reflection of the person of Jesus Christ at work in his life.

Ratanak International (Burnaby, BC)

Written by Brian McConaghy


Acquainted With Grief

"Being Christ-like must then involve, at least in some part, our willingness to acquaint ourselves with grief." Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Easter: Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Social Isolation

How do we break the cycle of social isolation? Read more Read more...


The Good News and the Jingshen Kongxu, the Spiritual Void

A creative and in-depth take on what the good news looks like in China and the Spiritual Void with paintings from Tong Zi Yun Read more Read more...


A Letter from BC Christian Leaders

Let us all join together asking for the grace and peace of our God, all who are sorely tried by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...


Power and Discipleship

Jesus chose complete obedience to his Father’s authority and displayed an upside-down way of understanding power. Read more Read more...


Making Disciples

"I pray and hope that people I disciple will grow in intimacy with God in a way that they might be a better model of Jesus" Read more Read more...


Idols and Mighty Deeds

God desires that he is the only one to whom we direct our worship, and one of the reasons is so that His power can be demonstrated in our lives. Read more Read more...


Easter and Ramadan

Is God’s forgiveness given or earned? Read more