Tell Us Your Why with Sandeep Jadhav (Part 1 and Part 2)

Sandeep Jadhav, Senior Pastor at New Life Community Church, shares with us the WHY behind his heart for the local church and his journey to knowing Jesus. Learn more about the heart behind mission and how God has moved behind his “WHY”.

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About the author

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Sandeep Jadhav

Sandeep is originally from India and came to Canada in 2006 to study at Regent College. He graduated from the MDiv and ThM programs at Regent College, and is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry at Carey Theological College, Vancouver. Prior to this, Sandeep spent thirteen years as a Missionary with YWAM India where he led training schools, conducted staff development and was part of the National Legal Forum. As a Pastor teacher, he is called to disciple, to help others grow in their faith in Christ and equip them to participate in God’s Mission in this world.

He has a passion for worship and has served as a worship leader. Sandeep also has a desire to help people navigate their sense of identity in Christ, their belongingness to His Church, and being His followers within a multicultural context. He is married to Sunnyu Kim from South Korea, who was a missionary with YWAM in India, and they have two sons.


Series: Tell Us Your Why


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Tell Us Your Why with Jeff Wong (Part 1 and Part 2)

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