The Way We WERE Made

I got to thinking about us  - The way we were made… 

The way we were created for greatness. The way we are allowed to take up that Life of Christ and let its deep shift transform us, addict us, grab us - body and soul.  

I got to thinking about us

The way we were empowered to taste the Passover

Its judgment flying over we hidden souls behind blood-stained doors. And the way we're empowered to pass over the transgressions of others with that same un-shakeable, irresistible Spirit of might who gives us power to show mercy.   

The way we're empowered...  

Empowered to lay down our life for others as if it were an honor to be asked, instead of an imposition to be endured.

Been thinking about how we're wired for greatness. 

The greatness it takes to take no account of suffered wrong and to love strong enough for two when the love of one grows cold. For loving when hated.  

For embracing when rejected

Rejecting rejection when it comes at us like arrows.  

For interceding when denied.

For standing against the tide

We were created for greatness.

Been thinking about how we've been given enough love for us, ours, and for everyone else too.   

How we can take it when required. And dish it out when righteously necessary. How we can go it when the second mile is calling from out of some trying situation. 

Been thinking about how we can bend when flexibility is the better choice.

And stand erect in the winds of foolish change.  

Been thinking about how we’ve been wired to hold the secrets of others  and spread them spilling out like a whisper before the Lord alone in prayer.  

About how we can have that love of God spilling over, plenty for come what may, and protection against bitterness and criticalness, offenses, and grudges.  Protecting one another with that love instead of lashing out in hate. Been thinking about how we are wired for twisting anger to peace with a calm response and gentle edifying words.  

For practicing ruthless mercy.     

For offering two garments & taking two slaps with the bigger picture in mind.

 For taking the high road when the low road seeks to evangelize us to its side.  

 Been thinking about us…  

About the way we're destined to bring shift and change to our corner of the world with radical generosity and a revolution of goodness which runs headlong against the spirit of us and them.    

Decoration image for quotation

Yeah, we're called to greatness.

Empowered to walk in it.  

Encouraged to yield to it,

to accept the truth of it.

And with that acceptance,

to "forever north, crying freedom, run on unshackled

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About the author

Profile photo for Lisa Koons

Lisa Koons is the US National Director of 24-7 Prayer, a global agency that’s a catalyst for movements of prayer, mission & justice. She has served as a church planter, Pastor, spiritual director, & works extensively in the fields of spiritual formation, racial justice, anti-human trafficking. Most known as a Pastor to Pastors all around the world, her passion is equipping people to live out the two great commandments & the one great commission.

Lisa is a plenary speaker at the 2021 Mission Central Conference.

Series: Mission Central Conference 2021


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Altar Vision Devotional - Week 10

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Missio Nexus

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Acquainted With Grief

"Being Christ-like must then involve, at least in some part, our willingness to acquaint ourselves with grief." Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 5

How does surrender connect to loss and lead to freedom? Read more Read more...

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Brigada: collection of web- and email-based resources

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The Last Christian on Earth

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