Emily Aspinall

Emily Aspinall was the Agency Relations Coordinator for Mission Central (formerly Missions Fest Vancouver) between 2016 and 2017, before moving to Vancouver Island.

Written by Emily Aspinall


Bread Found – A Seafarer Finds Life

An Overseas Mission: Outreaching and spreading the gospel at sea Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central

Mission Resource

Cardus: a non-partisan, faith-based nonprofit that exists to promote a flourishing society

Cardus is a think tank dedicated to research, public dialogue, and thought-provoking commentary. Read more Read more...


Leaving a Legacy

What does it mean to leave a legacy? Leaving a legacy when you're gone to serve the Kingdom Read more Read more...


Living Incarnationally in the 21st Century

MoveIn is "a movement of regular Christians who have accepted the invitation to find Christ in the broken places." Read more Read more...


Lent: Secret yet Seen

Lent is not a season to wallow in guilt but to examine our motives and aim to return to an undivided love for God. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 8

How is surrender a spiritual discipline? Read more


Power and Discipleship

Jesus chose complete obedience to his Father’s authority and displayed an upside-down way of understanding power. Read more Read more...


Are We Serving Orphans?

Disturbing facts about the orphanage model are causing many churches to rethink their strategy for orphan ministry. Read more Read more...


10 important ways church planting can help women

When we think of missions, church planting may be the first thing that comes to mind. Yet it is often not thought of as ministry to women. Read more Read more...