Bruce Cannon

Bruce Cannon and his wife, Linda, served as church planters in Poland for 17 years before moving back to the States to lead SEND’s Personnel & Member Care Department.

Written by Bruce Cannon


Sabbath: A Gift that Helps us Set Boundaries

Sabbath is a gift that helps us set boundaries on our busyness and adds rhythm to our weeks. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


A Letter from BC Christian Leaders

Let us all join together asking for the grace and peace of our God, all who are sorely tried by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Read more...


Is there Anyone with the spirit of the Holy Gods in them?

My conviction is that God is raising up a new generation of Daniels. God is mobilizing the church for a new wave of mission. Read more Read more...


Lest We Forget

The war in Ukraine is rightly deserving of our prayers for peace. The suffering of the people is a concern. Read more Read more...


Eighteen Barrels and Two Big Crates

How and why our “stuff” gets in the way of our witness. Read more Read more...


Advocacy alongside Ex-Offenders

"This was my induction into a whole new world that has broken my heart and become the heartbeat of what we now do..." Read more Read more...


6 Things to Do Right Now in our Current Climate

How are you responding at this time? 6 things to do in our current climate Read more Read more...


Update on Venezuela

The difficult situation of Venezuelan Christians is complex: A missionary perspective Read more Read more...


One God

Jesus’ prayer reveals that believers have the incredible privilege to be invited into union with our God who is three in one. Read more Read more...