Rachel Hostetter Smith

Rachel Hostetter Smithis the Gilkison Distinguished Professor of Art History at Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, USA. She publishes widely on the arts, with a focus on contemporary and world Christian art. She is Curator and Project Director of the international traveling exhibition Matter + Spirit: A Chinese/American Exhibition. Prior to Matter + Spirit, sponsored by the Nagel Institute of World Christianity (Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA). She has served as Artistic Director of the two previous Nagel Institute international art projects in Indonesia (2008) and South Africa (2013) and Exhibition Curator of the traveling exhibitions that resulted: Charis: Boundary Crossings (2009-2012)) and Between the Shadow & the Light (2014-2018). She is currently working on a project in India.

Written by Rachel Hostetter Smith


The Good News and the Jingshen Kongxu, the Spiritual Void

A creative and in-depth take on what the good news looks like in China and the Spiritual Void with paintings from Tong Zi Yun Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Dismantling the Hero Complex

Our mission is based on being “salt” and “light," to permeate the whole earth in righteousness, love,humility, gentleness, kindness, grace, and peace. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 6

If God doesn’t control all my life, does he have any of my life? Read more Read more...


The Way We WERE Made

What does justice look like in the eyes of Creation? The way we were made for justice and ruthless mercy Read more Read more...


A Powerful Ministry Tool

How significant are these moments? Only the Lord knows. I do know they have warmed my heart, given me fresh perspective. Read more Read more...


5 ways to pray together as a family

Prayer is one of the best ways to help your family thrive and to see each other grow in relationship with God together Read more Read more...


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Creation wouldn’t exist apart from God. God loves his creation and takes joy in what he made. Read more Read more...


Hearing and Obeying as the Way of Life with Jesus

Hearing and obeying for a follower of Jesus is not something that is simply encouraged, but a way of life that Jesus calls us to. Read more Read more...


United in Prayer

Jesus would have said this often as it is at the very heart of the Israelite identity and prayer life. Read more Read more...