Celina Lam

Profile photo for Celina Lam

Celina Lam was part of Mission Central from 2019 to 2023, having first experienced Missions Fest in 2015 when she moved back to Vancouver from Atlantic Canada. She spent years working in government and corporate communications before deciding to step into ministry.

Celina currently serves in the Studio Core Creative Team, where she supports the social media and communications strategy at her church. When not working or serving at church, she leads Branding and Strategy for Atesto Vancouver, a creative arts ministry in the city. She holds a Bachelor of Public Relations (BPR) with Distinction, along with a double minor in Marketing and Sociology, from Mount Saint Vincent University.

Celina is a proud digital native. She envisions a future where stories, people, culture, and technology are the core in the way we connect and shape this world. To learn more about her, find her on LinkedIn.

church: untitled (Vancouver, BC)

Written by Celina Lam


Get to Know Ryan Giesbrecht and Ricki Chen from Servant Partners

Get to Know Ryan Giesbrecht and Ricki Chen from Servant Partners and what God has called of them this season Read more Read more...


Get to Know Catherine Torres

Catherine sits down to talk all things at the heart of Ratanak as well as how God led her to such a role Read more Read more...


Hear more from Crystal Lavallee from First People's Voices

Hear about how the Lord is working in the Indigenous community during this unprecedented time and the unity happening around the country. Read more Read more...


Know more about Kari Bergrud of Union Gospel Mission

Hear about what UGM is doing and how the Lord is speaking to them during this pandemic. #MissionIsNotCancelled Read more Read more...


Get to know more about Enoch Weng from Faith Tech

Hear about how the Lord brought Enoch in financial mission and how He has been speaking to Enoch during this unprecedented time Read more Read more...

Event Recap

Highlights from 2019 Christmas Fundraiser

Our Christmas Fundraiser, Theo's Feast, was held this weekend where we journeyed through the Christmas Story together Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Tell Us Your Why with Sandeep Jadhav (Part 1 and Part 2)

Learn more about Sandeep Jadhav's heart behind mission and how God has moved behind his "WHY" Read more Read more...


​A Conversation about Discipling with Murray Moerman

The engine of the church is discipleship is growing in obedience Read more Read more...


Unity, Relationship and the Future of Mission – Part 2

How we can increase engagement in our missional communities? It’s been said that the future of mission is in networks, in unity and in relationships Read more Read more...


Life with God in a Different Land

Defining Mission and Life with God in South Asia and Cross-Cultural Missions Read more Read more...


5 ways to pray together as a family

Prayer is one of the best ways to help your family thrive and to see each other grow in relationship with God together Read more Read more...


Unity Takes Work

Unity takes work, especially when the world finds itself dealing with a pandemic, wars, economic uncertainty and political upheaval. Read more Read more...


One God

Jesus’ prayer reveals that believers have the incredible privilege to be invited into union with our God who is three in one. Read more Read more...


COVID-19 does not discriminate. British Columbians shouldn’t discriminate either

COVID-19 does not discriminate. A Canadian Christian response to Anti-Asian Racism Read more Read more...