Kari Bergrud

Union Gospel Mission (Vancouver, BC)

Written by Kari Bergrud


Rest and Life in Third Spaces

A culture of third space is celebration. The same place to see the same people and simply present with one another, that is rest, and that is life. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Why Unity?

Our theme for the months ahead is Unity—an essential part of mission. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 5

How does surrender connect to loss and lead to freedom? Read more Read more...


Why We Go to Communities Where Christ is Least Known

Where shall we buy bread for the people who are hungry for the gospel? Why we go to communities where Christ is least known Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

How to Chart the Steps to Faith

Though some missionaries serve in support roles ... every missionary can be developing relationships with unbelievers. Read more Read more...


What is our purpose and how does that connect with mission?

What does purpose and mission as believers have in common? Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 2

What is the connection between knowing my purpose in life and surrender? Read more Read more...


Peter’s Letter to Canadian Christians

To the friends living in the colonized lands of the Salish, Mi’kmaq & Innu. This is Peter, follower of the poor Christ.. Read more Read more...


A Powerful Ministry Tool

How significant are these moments? Only the Lord knows. I do know they have warmed my heart, given me fresh perspective. Read more Read more...