Dave Koop

Profile photo for Dave Koop

Senior Pastor, Coastal Church, Vancouver, BC

Written by Dave Koop


Unity Takes Work

Unity takes work, especially when the world finds itself dealing with a pandemic, wars, economic uncertainty and political upheaval. Read more Read more...

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Holiness and Obedience

Our goals, the accumulation of power, and things that we spend so much time on may have less importance than we may be willing to admit. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 8

How is surrender a spiritual discipline? Read more


The Gospel: A Basis for Certainty

The gospel in my context means the life, purpose and teachings of Jesus explained in many ways. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

A Neighbourly Invitation

What would it look like to pray for those closest to us, in our backyards? A Neighbourly Invitation is just that initiative to prayer and more. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

WEA Mission Commission

WEA Mission Commission is a platform for multi-cultural voices to advance God’s mission. Read more Read more...


Discipleship is for Everyone

Discipleship is intentionally pouring into others to give them the tools to follow Christ closely..." Read more Read more...


Finding Out What a Future in Missions Means

Hylton's journey on finding God in France and her missional calling Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Cardus: a non-partisan, faith-based nonprofit that exists to promote a flourishing society

Cardus is a think tank dedicated to research, public dialogue, and thought-provoking commentary. Read more Read more...