Marketplace Ministry: A Light for Leaders LeaderImpact, making followers out of leaders.

LeaderImpact is committed to seeing movements of evangelism and discipleship among marketplace leaders, equipping leaders who have a passion to use their influence to make a difference in the lives of others. By helping marketplace leaders explore the relevance of faith in God in their professional and personal lives, leaders discover their full potential and make kingdom-minded decisions that have a multiplied impact on people around the world.

At its essence, LeaderImpact simply provides a way and means for individuals to each live out their personal ministry in the marketplace. Together, a synergy that could become a movement of evangelism and discipleship can grow to change a leader, impact a community, and transform a nation.

The LeaderImpact small group is the core of the movement. It is where lives are changed, relationships that matter are fostered, and uncommon opportunities are presented. Russ Swaim, Director for LeaderImpact in Metro Vancouver shares a story about what happened in one group:

“When I was in my teenage years, I remember singing a song, ‘Shine Jesus Shine’, which has stuck in my mind ever since. And Jesus is shining in the lives of leaders here in the Metro Vancouver area.

After Leadercast 2017 on May 5th, we were able to start our 10th group in the Metro Vancouver area. The Richmond Centre Group had been meeting on Wednesday mornings and was discussing the book, Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton and Heen.

One week we were discussing Chapter 6 on the concept of how our identity is foundational to our challenging conversations. As the discussion went on, several members discussed how they discovered their personal identities and how important their relationship with God was to understanding their identity. One of the members of the group, Shine, seemed to be a bit beleaguered by our discussion. So I turned and asked her, "Shine, do you have a relationship with God?" Her friend who had invited her spoke up, "She is not a Christian yet." In response I asked, "do you want to have a relationship with God through Jesus?" Shine responded emphatically, "Yes." So the group walked her through how she could know God personally through Jesus. She prayed at that moment and began a whole new journey to discover her identity in Jesus Christ.”

Do you want to see marketplace leaders use their influence to impact the world for Christ? Find out more about LeaderImpact

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About the author

Russ Swaim is the British Columbia Director of LeaderImpact. His background is in organizational leadership and coaching. Over the last 15 years he has worked with organizations, companies, and individuals to propel them toward greater profitability and significance through consulting and coaching. He has lived in New York City, Shanghai, and Vancouver, where he received a master’s degree from Regent College. Russ has experienced the impact of crossing cultures and understands the unique challenges it brings for building effective teams and communicating effectively.


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