Nancy See

Profile photo for Nancy See

President of NCOL Ministries

NCOL Ministries (Vancouver, BC)

Written by Nancy See


Building in Love

When we put ourselves above others in the name of competition and to get ahead or to gain recognition, it is against God's design. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Unity Takes Work

Unity takes work, especially when the world finds itself dealing with a pandemic, wars, economic uncertainty and political upheaval. Read more Read more...


Homelessness and COVID: Acute meets Chronic

What does this COVID pandemic mean for homelessness in this season? Scott from HSABC talks about COVID, those on our streets and the gospel. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 7

What is the connection between surrender and mission? Read more Read more...


The Way We WERE Made

What does justice look like in the eyes of Creation? The way we were made for justice and ruthless mercy Read more Read more...


Relational Discipleship: Hard to Measure But Worth Every Moment

Discipling must begin with an incarnational relationship. Read more Read more...


Intimacy and Doing God's Will

Redefining mission, intimacy and doing God's will is the pillar to our identity and as people of mission. Read more Read more...


Update on Venezuela

The difficult situation of Venezuelan Christians is complex: A missionary perspective Read more Read more...


7 Secrets to Being a Missionary in Your Golden Years

How old is too old to be a missionary? Is there really an ideal missionary age? Read more Read more...