Mission Fest Vancouver 2024 Recap

MFV 2024 highlights: a view from one of the auditorium balconies during a worship session
MFV 2024 highlights: a view from one of the auditorium balconies during a worship session

Jesus’ Presence

Our greatest passion and hope for Mission Fest 2024 was to encounter Jesus. From day one, we said, “Times together centered on Jesus, with missionaries present, ignite an atmosphere where He becomes all.” And Jesus was the center! Jesus was present in powerful ways: restoring hearts, rescuing youth, releasing new calls, healing the sick, and so much more. We simply wanted to say thank you for attending, loving Jesus, and interacting with Agencies of Jesus’ Global Bride!

People Encountered Him

We were thrilled to partner with Westside Church; their team was amazing! One of our highlights came from one of their staff, Andrew Johnson, who ran the tech side of the conference, including slides, sound, etc. He wrote in an email to us:

Decoration image for quotation

“I can't fully articulate how personally impacted I was by this whole experience. I have been working through my thoughts on it all and can only really boil it all down to the fact that Jesus’ Presence became fully real to me for the first time in a new way. I have been personally ministered to by the Holy Spirit in a way I have not experienced before, and I am praying that it does not pass as a fleeting moment but rather becomes a foundation for continued ministry. All glory to the Father, but so much gratitude for your willingness to follow His will for you.”

Andrew Johnson
A small, square rattan basket holds a stack of brown paper, and a collection of pens
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Send Us Your Mission Central Stories

We know that Mission Central and Missions Fest Vancouver events have impacted many thousands over the years. We'd love to know your story, too! Read more Read more...

Youth Encounter

The 604 Network Youth Encounter night was unforgettable. Jesus captured the hearts of the young people, and when Ryan invited students to respond to Jesus, hundreds of hands went up to receive Jesus and yield their lives to following Him. As the Youth Night was coming to a close, James felt the Holy Spirit ask him to invite the Youth Leaders on the stage and to have the youth, the speakers, and the 604 Network team pray for them. The stage was filled with youth leaders receiving prayer and a touch from Jesus. The students could feel the affection Jesus had with them for their leaders! It was one of the most powerful moments.

At the Youth Encounter: after Ryan Johnson spoke, many local youth group leaders were invited on stage to be prayed for.
At the Youth Encounter: after Ryan Johnson spoke, many local youth group leaders were invited on stage to be prayed for.

Mission Talks

The Mission Talks were another beautiful highlight! During the 90-minute lunch breaks on Friday and Saturday, sixteen Mission Agencies signed up to briefly share how Jesus is at work worldwide and how you can partner with Him. They were all so unique and it was inspiring to glimpse what God is doing. During these talks, many young people felt called by Jesus to pursue going into all the world to preach the Gospel!

Group photo of a number of the Mission Talk presenters, representatives of over a dozen missions agencies
Group photo of a number of the Mission Talk presenters, representatives of over a dozen missions agencies

As you may know, in being true to our culture and willing obedience to the Spirit, we as a leadership team felt prompted to take no collection during the conference. It felt a bit crazy; however, we believe this was an act in obedience to the leading of our Lord. At first, we just gave the Lord our immediate raw obedience. As we processed in prayer, we felt it was on His heart to lovingly test and prove our hearts with, “Can God do this without us asking for finances?” To hear that story, click below.

After the conference, we felt the same grace Abraham felt as he obeyed and walked up the mountain: the Father spoke and provided after our “yes.” We have now felt a nudge to invite you, only as you He leads, to co-labour with us in this act of giving. Your gift of any amount will, by partnering with us and with Him, help create new opportunities for others to encounter the Father’s love and power.

Coming soon!

If you’d like to share your conference experience, with your name or anonymously, you can send it to us here: Send Us Your Mission Central Stories

Series: Mission Fest Vancouver 2024

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