Trevor Larsen

In the US in his 20s and 30s, Trevor Larsen (pseudonym) served as a teacher and coach, a church planter among Asian refugees, and a pastor. Based the last 25 years in an Asian country, Trevor serves as a seminary professor. He started and coaches mission teams in which local coworkers lead multiplying discipleship movements in Unreached People Groups.

Written by Trevor Larsen


The DNA of Multiplication

Groups multiplied in the villages to 3,353 believers... less than 7 years after we had begun. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


One God

Jesus’ prayer reveals that believers have the incredible privilege to be invited into union with our God who is three in one. Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...


A Letter from BC Christian Leaders

Let us all join together asking for the grace and peace of our God, all who are sorely tried by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Read more...


Is Mission a Thing?

The people of God are invited to participate in God’s mission. This is a big task, nothing short of the redemption and restoration of the cosmos. Read more Read more...


When a Muslim Dreams of a Missionary

With crushing debt, a dying mother and a looming prison sentence, Murad was in desperate need of a miracle. Then, he dreamed of a missionary. Read more Read more...


The Missing Link

Why, in a nation with freedom of religion, is the church not flourishing & making a significant impact on our society? Read more Read more...


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Creation wouldn’t exist apart from God. God loves his creation and takes joy in what he made. Read more Read more...


Making Disciples

"I pray and hope that people I disciple will grow in intimacy with God in a way that they might be a better model of Jesus" Read more Read more...