Greg Musselman at MFV 2024

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Greg Musselman burns for the real Jesus, the Jesus who shows up in the faces of those who have given all in persecution and abandonment to the person of Jesus. Greg’s smile can light your heart on fire to pursue all that is possible with God. Complacency dies when you’re around him, which brings you to wanting one thing: to know where the Holy Spirit wants to move next. After listening to Greg, you feel prepared and postured to pursue Jesus with renewed zeal no matter what it costs you. Jesus loves Greg’s care for His bride and walks with him as they Shepherd together in some of the world’s most challenging places.”

(written by James Bonney, Mission Central)

Greg was a speaker at Mission Fest Vancouver 2024.

Series: Mission Fest Vancouver 2024

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Event Recap

Mission Fest Vancouver 2024 Recap

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April Bates at MFV 2024

April Bates speaks at the MFV 2024 afternoon general session on February 16, 2024. Read more Read more...

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