Tony Sanz

Profile photo for Tony Sanz

Tony Sanz was born and raised in Switzerland in a Christian home, studied Electrical Engineering, made a personal commitment to follow Christ and moved to Vancouver in 1981 for two years, but never left. He and his wife Verena joined West Coast Christian Fellowship (WCCF) in 1981 and never left there either. He worked for an engineering company in Richmond for 34+ years, mostly as a project manager.

Missions is on their family's hearts, and with the children and Verena they have served overseas in several locations. Most recently Tony and Verena followed a call to serve as ESL teachers in Guatemala for 10 months. Prayer and financial support for long term missionaries is part of their fabric, and they are all long-term supporters of Missions Fest, now Mission Central. Tony serves as an elder at West Coast Christian Fellowship and spent several years as the Chairperson of the Mission Central Board.

West Coast Christian Fellowship (Vancouver, BC)

Written by Tony Sanz

Photo by Jon Moore on Unsplash

A Message from Mission Central's Outgoing Board Chair

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