Josie Oldenburg


Written by Josie Oldenburg


A Missions Conference Just for Kids

“Children need to understand that culture is different, but the need for salvation remains the same." Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


6 Things to Do Right Now in our Current Climate

How are you responding at this time? 6 things to do in our current climate Read more Read more...


The DNA of Multiplication

Groups multiplied in the villages to 3,353 believers... less than 7 years after we had begun. Read more Read more...


Life with God in a Different Land

Defining Mission and Life with God in South Asia and Cross-Cultural Missions Read more Read more...


Building in Love

When we put ourselves above others in the name of competition and to get ahead or to gain recognition, it is against God's design. Read more Read more...


Are We Serving Orphans?

Disturbing facts about the orphanage model are causing many churches to rethink their strategy for orphan ministry. Read more Read more...


George Patterson (1932–2022); A Daughter’s Testimony

The mission world has lost a giant upon whose shoulders many, many of us have been lifted to see better, go further than we could otherwise have done. Read more Read more...


Introducing the Call to Consecration

As a Christian, what does it mean to live the surrendered life? Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 3

How do I prioritize surrender to God and my personal relationships? Read more Read more...