
Ava, from the Caribbean, hates to write, but loves having written, therefore she is compelled to write and be God’s voice of power through the written word. She loves to plan for the future, while reminiscing on the past, over a hot cup of tea and a delicious meal. Ava works for OM International.

Operation Mobilization Canada (Port Colborne, ON)

Written by Ava


Life with God in a Different Land

Defining Mission and Life with God in South Asia and Cross-Cultural Missions Read more Read more...


God Uses Your Differences

When we choose to put the focus on Him we move away from asking, “Why me?” to asking, “Can you please use me more?” Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


A Missions Conference Just for Kids

“Children need to understand that culture is different, but the need for salvation remains the same." Read more Read more...


A Transition Toolbox

For when you look like a local but don't FEEL like a local Read more Read more...


Does Systemic Racism Exist in the Canadian Church?

Watching out for us-and-them thinking in our congregations and systemic racism in Canada Read more Read more...


Dismantling the Hero Complex

Our mission is based on being “salt” and “light," to permeate the whole earth in righteousness, love,humility, gentleness, kindness, grace, and peace. Read more Read more...


5 ways to pray together as a family

Prayer is one of the best ways to help your family thrive and to see each other grow in relationship with God together Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

5 Transitions to Participate as Senders in God’s Global Mission

These five transitions have proven effective for churches to make an impact as missionary sending churches. Read more Read more...


Towards an Intercultural Ecclesiology

"The largest faith communities were not homogeneously Caucasian, but were Chinese, Korean or Filipino congregations." Read more Read more...


'Hard work never killed anyone,' and other dad lessons for missionary life

Dad was a change agent. He lived through two world wars – too young to fight in one, too old for the other, but he knew change was inevitable. Read more Read more...