Travis Whims

Travis Whims is the director of ministry for Discipleship International. It is the desire of Discipleship International to train up Christians to train up other Christians. Using the Bible as our guide and the Equip to Serve training program as a tool we desire to see a stronger Christian church one Christian at a time. There are both local and international aspects to Discipleship International’s ministry, partnering with local ministries to help them team and train their own people. Travis’s key focus regions internationally are India and Kenya.

Discipleship International (New Westminster, BC)

Written by Travis Whims


Short Term Missions Focus: Discipleship International

Both at home and in Kenya and Uganda, I have really seen the strength when God's body is in unity. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 7

What is the connection between surrender and mission? Read more Read more...


The Power of Prayer

Russ Stendal from Colombia Para Cristo share about a time that God answered prayer in a powerful way through mission Read more Read more...


Is Mission a Thing?

The people of God are invited to participate in God’s mission. This is a big task, nothing short of the redemption and restoration of the cosmos. Read more Read more...


6 Things to Do Right Now in our Current Climate

How are you responding at this time? 6 things to do in our current climate Read more Read more...


One God

Jesus’ prayer reveals that believers have the incredible privilege to be invited into union with our God who is three in one. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 5

How does surrender connect to loss and lead to freedom? Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...


An Altar Call: Manus and an Invitation into God's Heart

With recent events on Manus Island in Australia in mind, Jarrod McKenna, explores how the Gospel compels us to action. Read more Read more...