Gracia Burnham

Written by Gracia Burnham


November Audio Highlight

Gracia Burnham reflects on her year with militant Muslim abductors Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 10

What is the connection between surrender and unity? Read more Read more...


Keep Calm: It's Ordinary (Time) Rush

Discipleship is challenging in Western urban societies where relationships tend to be cordial, but distant and weak. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

STM Leader: levelling up short term missions

STM Leader exists to build the strongest short-term mission in the world: confident leaders, incredible teams, and life-changing experiences. Read more Read more...


Making Disciples

"I pray and hope that people I disciple will grow in intimacy with God in a way that they might be a better model of Jesus" Read more Read more...


Tell Us Your Why with Sandeep Jadhav (Part 1 and Part 2)

Learn more about Sandeep Jadhav's heart behind mission and how God has moved behind his "WHY" Read more Read more...


Hearing Waves

Be oriented to Jesus who gives our lives stability. This is something you must do if you want to experience peace. Read more Read more...


'Hard work never killed anyone,' and other dad lessons for missionary life

Dad was a change agent. He lived through two world wars – too young to fight in one, too old for the other, but he knew change was inevitable. Read more Read more...


The DNA of Multiplication

Groups multiplied in the villages to 3,353 believers... less than 7 years after we had begun. Read more Read more...