March's Audio Recording Ray Bakke, an advocate for city reaching, paints a picture of the massive potential for our local churches to impact the world.
Ray Bakke, died on February 4, 2022. Jonathan Bird, who worked closely with Ray, writes:
"It’s rare now for me to meet a pastor or urban worker who has heard of him (Ray). But it’s fair to say that no one did more than Ray to turn the hearts and heads of white evangelicals back to the inner city, to take the global phenomenon of urbanization seriously as integral to the arc of God’s redemptive activity in history.
And arguably no one in his generation – the height of his ministry was from the mid 1970s to the late 1990s – did more to connect the diversity of the church across denominational, international and ethnic boundaries in pursuit of the holistic Gospel of Jesus that prioritizes the disadvantaged."
Missions Fest was blessed to have Ray share on multiple occasions. The March highlight is from Missions Fest Vancouver 2004.
You can read the whole article on Ray's life and contribution to missiology in The Church for Vancouver.
Ray Bakke - Global Mission of the Local Church