Paul Williams

Profile photo for Paul Williams

Paul S Williams is Chief Executive of the British and Foreign Bible Society and Research Professor of Marketplace Theology and Leadership at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada. He previously held senior roles in finance and consulting and has helped pioneer new entrepreneurial start-ups- in each of the marketplace, church and the academy. Paul is passionate about helping the Church read the Bible in the marketplace and engage missionally in contemporary culture and has sought to centralise Bible engagement in his work as a professional economist and theological educator. He is the visionary behind ReFrame, a video-based course that helps connect the big story of Scripture to daily life and work. His book, Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World, explores the experience of living as Christians in the 21st century and provides a truly missional understanding of post-Christendom Christianity, alongside constructive tools to help readers understand their cultural environment and form a missional response through deeper Bible engagement and prayer. Paul is married to Sarah and they have two adult daughters.

Written by Paul Williams


Is there Anyone with the spirit of the Holy Gods in them?

My conviction is that God is raising up a new generation of Daniels. God is mobilizing the church for a new wave of mission. Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 9

Surrender, no matter what! Read more


Relational Discipleship: Hard to Measure But Worth Every Moment

Discipling must begin with an incarnational relationship. Read more Read more...


Idols and Mighty Deeds

God desires that he is the only one to whom we direct our worship, and one of the reasons is so that His power can be demonstrated in our lives. Read more Read more...


What We Get Wrong About Church Planting

What we are actually planting is the Gospel and what we are harvesting is the church. Read more Read more...


'Hard work never killed anyone,' and other dad lessons for missionary life

Dad was a change agent. He lived through two world wars – too young to fight in one, too old for the other, but he knew change was inevitable. Read more Read more...


The Way We WERE Made

What does justice look like in the eyes of Creation? The way we were made for justice and ruthless mercy Read more Read more...


Update on Venezuela

The difficult situation of Venezuelan Christians is complex: A missionary perspective Read more Read more...


Passionate Love and Hearing

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind and Love your neighbour as yourself Read more Read more...