Lydia Nigh

Profile photo for Lydia Nigh

God calls us to make disciples of all nations. Mentoring and discipleship is how I move people closer to Jesus, one step at a time. Often it’s through strengthening their relationships, building up their faith or equipping them to step out into their mission field. I love the challenge of living in one of the most secular parts of Canada and bringing light to dark places.

Serving In Mission (SIM) (Scarborough, ON)

Written by Lydia Nigh


Tell Us Your Why with Lydia Nigh (Part 1 and Part 2)

Lydia Nigh from SIM Canada and FamilyLife Canada as she shares her journey in ministry and the place God has called her to leading a missional life. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 3

How do I prioritize surrender to God and my personal relationships? Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


God’s Global Family

We get the “down payment” of our inheritance, the Spirit of God. Our unity rests on Christ and is proved by its fruit. Read more Read more...


Making Disciples

"I pray and hope that people I disciple will grow in intimacy with God in a way that they might be a better model of Jesus" Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 3

How do I prioritize surrender to God and my personal relationships? Read more Read more...


7 Secrets to Being a Missionary in Your Golden Years

How old is too old to be a missionary? Is there really an ideal missionary age? Read more Read more...


Update on Venezuela

The difficult situation of Venezuelan Christians is complex: A missionary perspective Read more Read more...


Discipleship is for Everyone

Discipleship is intentionally pouring into others to give them the tools to follow Christ closely..." Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

How to Chart the Steps to Faith

Though some missionaries serve in support roles ... every missionary can be developing relationships with unbelievers. Read more Read more...


Unity, Relationship and the Future of Mission - Part 1

How do unity, relationship, and the characteristics of Millennials interact for a hope filled future of mission? Read more Read more...