Mission Central SERVE

Mission Central SERVE

From 2021 to 2023, the Missions Fest Vancouver conference was known as “Mission Central SERVE”, and continued the 30+ year pattern: an annual gathering of churches, missions agencies, and believers who are passionate about Jesus' mission. Everyone gathers to hear stories about what's happening around the world, connect with others who are involved in missions, learn how to be involved at home or internationally, pray for the work of God in the world, worship together, and more!

More on Mission Central


Obedience In, Joy Out

God’s economy doesn’t work in a paradigm of effort in - reward out. In the paradigm of hearing and obeying everything rests on love and intimacy. Read more Read more...


Rest and Life in Third Spaces

A culture of third space is celebration. The same place to see the same people and simply present with one another, that is rest, and that is life. Read more Read more...


Consecration: A Seed for Revolution

Consecration is the groundwork needed to receive a fuller revelation of Jesus and surrender to Jesus Read more Read more...


Why We Go to Communities Where Christ is Least Known

Where shall we buy bread for the people who are hungry for the gospel? Why we go to communities where Christ is least known Read more Read more...


Our Father

Considering community and unity. Read more


6 Things to Do Right Now in our Current Climate

How are you responding at this time? 6 things to do in our current climate Read more Read more...


Building in Love

When we put ourselves above others in the name of competition and to get ahead or to gain recognition, it is against God's design. Read more Read more...


Hearing Waves

Be oriented to Jesus who gives our lives stability. This is something you must do if you want to experience peace. Read more Read more...