Advertising Opportunities

Mission Central and the Mission Central Conference have online advertising opportunities that give your brand exposure to a growing community of missional disciples. We engage the Christian community with articles, video interviews, regular community events and an extensive list of partner organizations.

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More on Mission Central


Towards an Intercultural Ecclesiology

"The largest faith communities were not homogeneously Caucasian, but were Chinese, Korean or Filipino congregations." Read more Read more...


COVID-19 does not discriminate. British Columbians shouldn’t discriminate either

COVID-19 does not discriminate. A Canadian Christian response to Anti-Asian Racism Read more Read more...


The Missing Link

Why, in a nation with freedom of religion, is the church not flourishing & making a significant impact on our society? Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

5 Transitions to Participate as Senders in God’s Global Mission

These five transitions have proven effective for churches to make an impact as missionary sending churches. Read more Read more...


First Things

There are two things that must happen before you can hear and obey Jesus well Read more Read more...


Tell Us Your Why with Sandeep Jadhav (Part 1 and Part 2)

Learn more about Sandeep Jadhav's heart behind mission and how God has moved behind his "WHY" Read more Read more...


'Hard work never killed anyone,' and other dad lessons for missionary life

Dad was a change agent. He lived through two world wars – too young to fight in one, too old for the other, but he knew change was inevitable. Read more Read more...


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Creation wouldn’t exist apart from God. God loves his creation and takes joy in what he made. Read more Read more...