Karen Henriksen

Written by Karen Henriksen


July Audio Highlight

Dr. Karen Henriksen, a Canadian physician from B.C. and SIM missionary, shares with us what it means to behold the beauty of the Lord Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Brotherly Love

What unites us all is our shared faith in Jesus, so we are more than kin but brothers in Spirit as well. Read more Read more...


A Letter from BC Christian Leaders

Let us all join together asking for the grace and peace of our God, all who are sorely tried by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Read more...


A Transition Toolbox

For when you look like a local but don't FEEL like a local Read more Read more...


What on Earth is Happening?

What are the challenges that the Body of Christ are facing and what hope can Christians offer the world? Read more Read more...


Leaving a Legacy

What does it mean to leave a legacy? Leaving a legacy when you're gone to serve the Kingdom Read more Read more...


Giving and Mission

Giving generously is an important part of our discipleship. Read more Read more...


Obedience In, Joy Out

God’s economy doesn’t work in a paradigm of effort in - reward out. In the paradigm of hearing and obeying everything rests on love and intimacy. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 5

How does surrender connect to loss and lead to freedom? Read more Read more...