July Audio Highlight

Dr. Karen Henriksen speaks at the 2008 Missions Fest Vancouver

Dr. Karen Henriksen, a Canadian physician from B.C. and SIM missionary based in Rio da Huila Hospital in Angola, shares with us what it means to behold the beauty of the Lord at the Missions Fest Vancouver Conference 2008.

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Discipleship is for Everyone

Discipleship is intentionally pouring into others to give them the tools to follow Christ closely..." Read more Read more...


The Last Christian on Earth

If you were the last Christian on earth...? Read more Read more...


Building in Love

When we put ourselves above others in the name of competition and to get ahead or to gain recognition, it is against God's design. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 5

How does surrender connect to loss and lead to freedom? Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

The Canadian Evangelical Mission Engagement Study

The Canadian Evangelical Missions Engagement Study Series is comprehensive research on how Canadian Evangelicals engage with “mission” or “missions.” Read more Read more...


One God

Jesus’ prayer reveals that believers have the incredible privilege to be invited into union with our God who is three in one. Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...


Altar Vision Devotional - Week 7

What is the connection between surrender and mission? Read more Read more...