2021 Mission Central Conferences Wrap-up
It's a Wrap!
3 virtual conferences, 70+ countries, 75 hours of online content, 99 exhibitors, over 2100 attendees (SERVE, GROW, & CREATE), 230,000 page-views and "a partridge in a pear tree." In late August 2020, when Mission Central pivoted the SERVE, GROW and CREATE conferences to a virtual platform due to the global pandemic, little did we know the reach we would have as we stood by our conviction that #MissionsIsNotCancelled.
In addition to 99 agencies hosting 693 hours of "live events" at their virtual booths, the SERVE conference hosted a Youth Rally, 40 seminar presentations, and 4 "Birds of a Feather" discussion groups throughout the weekend.
Being online, Mission Central was able to serve Christians right around the globe. Attendees joined the conferences from Canada, U.S.A., United Kingdom, Philippines, Finland, Hong Kong, Egypt, Netherlands, Singapore and South Korea.
GROW was a powerful weekend of teaching, reflection and discussion, led by Lisa Koons, 24/7 Prayer Director. An attendee states, "It wasn't what I expected but definitely what I needed." CREATE, which was birthed from the Film Festival drew an attendance of 100+ who viewed 6 films and attended 4 workshops as well as had Q&A times with the directors.
The Mission Central 2022 SERVE Conference is now open for exhibitor registrations. With 6821 exhibitor page-views over 2 days, the platform has proven to extend the promotional reach of our agency partners. An attendee stated, "I learned more about the agencies than I ever did at the in-person conference." For more information, click here.