Terry LeBlanc, PhD

Profile photo for Terry LeBlanc, PhD

Terry is Mi’kmaq / Acadian. He and his wife Bev are in their 45th year of marriage. They have three adult children – twin daughters and one son. In addition to being the Executive Director of Indigenous Pathways, Terry is also Director of NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community (NAIITS).

Terry holds an interdisciplinary PhD from Asbury Theological Seminary, specializing in Theology and Anthropology and serves as adjunct professor at Portland Seminary in Oregon, Acadia University and Divinity College in Wolfville, Whitley College at the University of Divinity in Melbourne, Fuller Seminary, and Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, where he is also program elder for the University B.Ed. program. Terry has accrued over 39 years of community work in global Indigenous contexts including as an educator in theology, cultural anthropology, and community development practice.

Written by Terry LeBlanc, PhD


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