Darrell Johnson

Written by Darrell Johnson


April's Audio Recording

Darrell Johnson focuses on the burdens we carry and how to wear Christ's yoke Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


Giving and Mission

Giving generously is an important part of our discipleship. Read more Read more...



Don't stop proclaiming Jesus' love in word and action, even in the face of uncertainty and the unknown. Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

Cardus: a non-partisan, faith-based nonprofit that exists to promote a flourishing society

Cardus is a think tank dedicated to research, public dialogue, and thought-provoking commentary. Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...


Does Systemic Racism Exist in the Canadian Church?

Watching out for us-and-them thinking in our congregations and systemic racism in Canada Read more Read more...


Leaving a Legacy

What does it mean to leave a legacy? Leaving a legacy when you're gone to serve the Kingdom Read more Read more...


Bread Found – A Seafarer Finds Life

An Overseas Mission: Outreaching and spreading the gospel at sea Read more Read more...

Mission Resource

The Canadian Evangelical Mission Engagement Study

The Canadian Evangelical Missions Engagement Study Series is comprehensive research on how Canadian Evangelicals engage with “mission” or “missions.” Read more Read more...