
Beth is from the global South, and she loves the ocean and cold Christmas dinner on a hot day around the pool. She is married to an adventurer, and they have three wonderfully unique children.

Written by Beth


Leaving a Legacy

What does it mean to leave a legacy? Leaving a legacy when you're gone to serve the Kingdom Read more Read more...

More on Mission Central


5 ways to pray together as a family

Prayer is one of the best ways to help your family thrive and to see each other grow in relationship with God together Read more Read more...


Are We Serving Orphans?

Disturbing facts about the orphanage model are causing many churches to rethink their strategy for orphan ministry. Read more Read more...



Sometimes we have selective hearing. Consider the tension between hearing and doing, and hearing and waiting—the issue of timing. Read more Read more...


The Good News and the Jingshen Kongxu, the Spiritual Void

A creative and in-depth take on what the good news looks like in China and the Spiritual Void with paintings from Tong Zi Yun Read more Read more...


Brotherly Love

What unites us all is our shared faith in Jesus, so we are more than kin but brothers in Spirit as well. Read more Read more...


Peter’s Letter to Canadian Christians

To the friends living in the colonized lands of the Salish, Mi’kmaq & Innu. This is Peter, follower of the poor Christ.. Read more Read more...


Easter and Ramadan

Is God’s forgiveness given or earned? Read more


Why Unity?

Our theme for the months ahead is Unity—an essential part of mission. Read more Read more...