Heart for Asia Victoria

Event date & times
Victoria Chinese Alliance Church
2845 Gosworth Road V8T 3C6
Victoria, BC

This event has already ended.

The Psalmist envisions a day in which God’s salvation is known in all the earth, when the nations sing for joy and all the peoples praise him. Join Heart for Asia 2022 and see the vision unfolding now – among the peoples of East Asia, and right here in our own communities.

In Let the Nations Be Glad! you’ll meet people serving in East Asia and others using missional principles in BC neighbourhoods. Hear their stories, join the discussion and expect God to show you new ways to be part of Jesus’ Great Commission.

More on Mission Central


It Can Be Done

Isolation may lead to God revealing Himself in deep new ways. Read more Read more...


What on Earth is Happening?

What are the challenges that the Body of Christ are facing and what hope can Christians offer the world? Read more Read more...


Radical Discipleship: Mark 1:14-20

The good news is a call to liberation for the oppressed and the oppressors. It’s a call to leave everything. Read more Read more...


Giving and Mission

Giving generously is an important part of our discipleship. Read more Read more...


Why Local and Global Missions Need Each Other

"God has been in the business of pushing his people out of their current context and sending them into the wider world." Read more Read more...


Gospel, Story, Mission, and Culture

Understanding the Gospel is essential to understanding our mission. What is it and how do we share it? Read more Read more...


Our Father

Considering community and unity. Read more


Acquainted With Grief

"Being Christ-like must then involve, at least in some part, our willingness to acquaint ourselves with grief." Read more Read more...